Of the several ways you can admire an employee’s contribution, the practice of publicly acknowledging the efforts and achievements of an individual is numero uno & wherein a trophy is one of the best and most preferred alternatives.  We at RD Custom Award design and manufacture custom made trophies that increase the emphasis of your event. A custom-made Trophy will mark the remembrance of the occasion to cherish for a lifetime. Idea to reality Our forte is converting ideas to reality. We have created masterpieces that capture memories for several organizations. The Custom Kingpin Trophy is one such example of excellent creativity. A combination of...

The International Film Festival of India, Goa, is a prestigious annual event. The festival is conducted jointly by the Directorate of Film Festivals (under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting) and the state Government of Goa. The festival was held annually in the state of Goa. It aims at providing a common platform for the cinemas of the world to project the excellence of the film art, contributing to the understanding and appreciation of film cultures of different nations in the context of their social and cultural ethos, and promoting friendship and cooperation among people of the world. This year the...

Pellentesque non leo nec nisi semper sodales nec vel sem. Nam sit amet sagittis arcu, eget tincidunt neque. Donec eget elit eu est aliquam porta non at arcu. Praesent pulvinar commodo turpis at pretium. Nunc augue purus, rutrum vitae tristique in, malesuada blandit quam. Fusce luctus orci sed venenatis sollicitudin. Sed ultricies libero vel tempus volutpat. Ut elementum et nibh id finibus. Sed feugiat rutrum ante pharetra pulvinar. Mauris consequat tellus lacus, et euismod tellus elementum a. Proin tortor augue, aliquet sed nulla non, fermentum sollicitudin justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas....