Jean D'Souza

You know who a leader truly is? Someone who can keep calm amongst the chaos. Someone who can row against the storm. Someone like Jean. The perfect embodiment of composure and intellect integrated. When the going gets tough, Jean gets everyone going. You can rest assured that Jean will get your work done. And done well.

Not a lot of people have both the brains and courage to back themselves up. Jean has both, and then she has more. A BCom graduate from NM, legend has it that she was born with the business mind (her father was a banker after all). Her understanding and way with words make her popular both with her employees and clients. A cricket fan at heart, Jean knows what makes teams work.

And teams work the best when they have true leaders to guide them. Like a true leader, she inspires and motivates. But that’s not all that she does. She laughs. And if not her intelligence, then her humour will catch your eye for sure.

Jean Dsouza

Jean D'Souza

Chief Operating officer

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